Hannah Yoon

Hannah Yoon

Hannah Yoon (she/her) is a Korean Canadian freelance photographer living in Philadelphia. Hannah focuses on portraiture, documentary and photojournalism work. While studying sociology and psychology in college, Hannah became interested in social justice and racial justice issues which is what she focuses on through her photography. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, NPR, Washington Post and other national and international publications. Her work has been funded by the IWMF and National Geographic Society. Hannah uses photography to explore identity, interrogate current systems that shape our communities and question why we are the way we are. Hannah is a proud member of Women Photograph, Diversify Photo and founding board member of the Authority Collective. She is a member of these groups as a photographer because she wants to see equity and growth in the photo industry.


My Sessions

Nobel C

Harmony in Hustle: Work-Life Balance in Photography